Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nintendo Wii to Feature Free Online Multiplayer Gameplay
Nintendo of America's new president and chief operating officer, Reginald Fils-Aime, has revealed that Nintendo won't charge Wii owners to play online. In an interview with USA Today, Reggie said they will follow the same model implemented with the Nintendo DS.
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Microsofts boasts healthy attachment rates for Xbox 360
Microsoft has published a new set of stats for the Xbox 360, revealing healthy attachment rates for software and accessories and a high download rate for Xbox Live Marketplace.
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Army of Two more beautiful than ever
Check out these new screens of the amazing EA new franchise!"
Screenshots - Xboxyde: "

Other ways to look at your Xbox Live activity

Xbox Live's Major Nelson posted about a couple sites that use Xbox Live data in a pretty nifty way.
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Halo 2 Speed Trial Becomes Guinness World Record

"How fast can you beat Halo 2? In August of 2005, Cody Miller managed to take on the Flood on Legendary difficulty in 3 1/2 hours ... without dying. It's an amazing feat, so much so that the 2007 Guinness Book of World Record lists Cody's stunt."
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Analyst: PS3 to win next-gen war

The Yankee Group predicts 30 million PS3s, 27 million Xbox 360s, and 11 million Wiis sold in North America by 2011.
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PS3 Delayed Again!

Sony planning to delay launch of the PS3 until February in order to cut its cost and resolve Blu-Ray and Cell issues.
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Microsoft: Sony's 1080p Support on PS3 is all Hype

...we now live in a multi-platform development world, and that the current sweet spot developers are targeting is 720p due to the extremely similar system specifications. Simply put, a developer who is planning to release their game for both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 will aim for a common attainable ground...
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CliffyB interview on Gears of War

The man himself speaks about the 360's "PS3-killer" game. "We're not a run and gun game, we're more 'stop and pop'."
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Eidos president thinks this generation will be close

The president of Eidos, the guys behind Hitman and Laura Craft, says that this upcoming generation is hard to call. He says that Nintendo has a good chance of winning with its new game plan, but it will depend on who has the best games. Eidos still will support all 3 equally.... For now....
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