Sunday, August 13, 2006

Project Offset Lures Publisher, Courts Xbox 360

Offset Software's first project is still far from looking like an actual game, and not just a bunch of tech demos put together in order to show off an impressive graphics engine (a very impressive one, in fact!). At least that's the impression we got from all those Project Offset trailers released so far. However, the devs have some good news for us this weekend! Through an update posted on the game's website, lead artist Travis Stringer announced that they have secured a major publisher for their fantasy first-person shooter

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Microsoft To Enable User-Created Xbox 360 Games!

Talking on the eve of its Gamefest event in Seattle, Microsoft has revealed XNA Game Studio Express, a new product which will allow indie developers and students to develop simultaneously on Xbox 360 and PC, and share their games to others in a new Xbox 360 'Creators Club'.
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PS3: NEW Assassins Creed Screenshots

Ubisoft's PS3 exclusive, next-gen title, Assassins Creed, will take players to the warring period of the Third Crusade. I sure hope the Xbox 360 rumors of this game are true!
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XBox 360 + HD-DVD = $900?!

I was speaking to a Microsoft rep in my store the other day, when he let this little tidbit slip out:
"The HD drive is expected to sell at 500 dollars."
... uhh, err, the hell? Wasn't the add-on drive supposed to go for less? I mean, like half as much? The sentence caught me unawares, so I prodded.
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Give It Back or Else: Xbox Arson.

Arson over an Xbox, what's gonna happen when the PS3 comes out? I say everyone go out and buy a Wii the peaceful alternative!
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Black and White Nintendo Wii's on eBay.. Too bad they're cardboard..

Some guy is selling 2 Wii models, one black and one white, on eBay. They were previously used to show how big the upcoming Nintendo console would be. It can't play games, but any gamer would love to have this in their living room, even though it doesn't do anything.
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Grand Theft Auto Like Coke Commercial