Thursday, July 20, 2006

The First Negative Wii Review Comes From Arena Magazine?

Arena Magazine - self-titled "Worlds Smartest Men
"Arena magazine" - has written a rather scathing preview of the Wii, after being invited to Nintendo's recent playtest event in Covent Garden.

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HDDVD vs Bluray, A numbers game that's tilting strangely?

Bluray supposedly has more Studio support (according to sony), however when we check the numbers and look into it it isn't just cost effectiveness that HDDVD wins in, apparently from the currently released and future release schedule of HDs and BDs, HDDVD is almost ahead 2:1 title for title. Strange, supposedly less support but 2x the releases?

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Texas Hold Em for XBLA is not going to be free after all

Microsoft previously announced a sponsorship attached to this game which would make it a free arcade game for xbox 360 fans to download. In an interview with Greg Canessa that was recently conducted by Joystiq, he was quote as saying "First of all, it won't be free."

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