Friday, July 28, 2006

Xbox 360 Japanese TV ad?

I am finding it hard to believe if this is even real because it is so bad. It's no wonder Microsoft can't sell a 360 there!
Images and Artworks of Splinter Cell DA - Xboxyde:
"Ubisoft also released these new images of Splinter Cell: Double Agent, from the Multiplayer mode this time.
Xbox Portable Explored - Xbox:

"It’s just a matter of when. In my opinion, Microsoft is kind of forced to release a handheld console, since both Nintendo and Sony have portable gaming machines already in the market, and what's more, these systems also interact with their respective next-generation elder brothers."

Want to join the game industry?

Don’t bother trying to get a programmer, producer, or even a Q/A job when you have nothing industry related on your resume. Go out and apply for any internship positions at local video game developers.

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Xbox 360 Laws

There are laws that every Xbox 360 owner must abide by
�unspoken laws if you will. I am proud to be on the Council and in a chair comfortably sitting around the 360 Table. Unscripted 360 is proud to present those laws�the Xbox 360 Laws. Be the first to see and be a part of it!

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Microsoft Not Worried about Wii or PS3 - Has 'Surprises' Ready

Xbox Europe head of marketing Richard Teversham doesn't know if Nintendo and Sony will be able to launch their new systems across the pond this year, but he said Microsoft has a few surprises at the ready if they do.

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Sony Speaks: PS3 Costs Rising

According to an article on the cost of chips for the PS3 may drive up production cost of the system. In the article it states that Sony may lose more money on the PS3 dues to the raising cost of the chips.

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Ninety-Nine Nights Demo Now On Marketplace

Xbox Live users can now download a demo of Ninety-Nine Nights from the Xbox Live Marketplace. This free demo is available in all Xbox Live regions.

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Fake Bad Video-Game Title Photoshopping Contest

Today on the Worth1000 photoshopping contest: fake box-art for bad video-games. There are some real howlers in this one -- I love World Cup Hooligans (pictured here), but I'm also very partial to Gum, the game.

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Taking pre-orders for Duke Nukem Forever (but does anybody care?)

Amazon has jumped the gun and announced Duke Nukem Forever is coming out on 29 September, 2006.

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Dead Rising New content

new stuff for the upcoming blockbuster

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Rumor: Oblivion PSP under development BY Climax Studio?

Now Altough I am not a big PSP fan this would be truly a grteat leap for that system. "Sources tell me that the rumored PSP version of Oblivion are true. The game is being ported by Climax UK and while I couldn't find out what form the game would take, I'm told that UMD space isn't as big a concern as some might think. The PSP version won't have 512x512 textures, instead relying on something closer to 128x128 texture...(cont.)"

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Madden 07 QB Passing Cone Comparison

and the winner is..... Looks to me like Peyton again...

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Pro Gamer: Matthew "Zyos" Leto Interview - Xbox:
"How did you get involved in professional gaming and when did you realize you had the skills to be among the world’s best? "