Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Set up your Xbox 360 to automatically pull down podcasts and pictures!!

Major Nelson shows you how you can get your podcasts and Flickr pix automatically to your Xbox 360

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Xbox Live Gamerpoints Currency Converter

Ever wanted to know how much a game or content on Xbox Live Marketplace would cost you in your native currency? This site automatically converts gamerpoints to USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, JPY, CHF and NOK currencies. (P.S. Currently, it would cost 100540 points or $1,256.25 to purchase every lick of content on Xbox Live Marketplace).

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GameSpot E3 DVDs Released for Download

GameSpot has compiled five discs worth of E3 content for subscribers to download. Instead of selling the discs, GameSpot is offering the iso files to burn to DVD. Even though the material is no longer 'news' it's still interesting to see all the interviews in a high quality format. Unique distribution strategy as well.

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Sweet! Detailed Pictures of Nintendo Monopoly (just came out)

Seeing this made me very happy. The Monopoly people have released a Nintendo version of their game, complete with little Zelda iron boots from the Ocarina of Time and a little NES controller.

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New FREE Content Download for Dead Rising!

The game has been out for about a day and already we have downloadable content over Xbox Live. What's even better is that it's free!

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What Pre-1985 Video Game Character Are You?

after you answer the questions the website will process your answer and tell you what
What Pre-1985 Video Game Character you are!
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NVIDIA releases Quad SLI for the masses
If you've got the cash to wrangle your very own Quad SLI setup, you're probably not far off from one of those snazz Alienware or Voodoo PC boxes, which give you all that graphic muscle with none of the hassle."
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Xbox Community Giving Away Metal Case With 360 goods on Saturdays-Mondays

Check out the details on a weekly contest Xbox 360 gamers can enter by playing Xbox Live Arcade games and getting achievements.

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Amazing Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Screenshots

This game looks amazing.

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MS to launch Xbox Live gaming service in India

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Madden Achievements

Here are the achievements for Madden NFL 07. They are a huge step up from last years as they cannot all be completed in one game by an average player. EA is also integrating their personal achievement meter the Madden Gamer Level into the festivities.

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IBM Working On Portable GameCube?

"IBM may be working on a revised Broadway chip with a lower clock speed for a future Nintendo hand-held -- presumably one that plays GameCube discs." SPOnG has had a handle on Nintendo's push towards a portable GameCube player for well over a year now. We are more than pleased such a device is seemingly nearing an official announcement.

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Pacman Released on XBOX Live Arcade

Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday officially wraps up today with the release of Pac-Man. This title is 400 points and is available in all Xbox Live Regions.

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Next-gen deal dawns between Day 1, LucasArts

MechAssault-maker inks deal with Star Wars publisher to make all-new game for next-gen consoles.

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Halo Movie Director Chosen - Amazingly Amazing ;)

The Halo motion picture will be helmed by Neill Blomkamp, making his feature film debut. Blomkamp is widely regarded as one of the most innovative and original artists currently working in short films and commercial advertising. Visual effects, miniatures, and creature design and creation will all be handled by Peter Jackson's Weta Studios!

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"Interview: Will Wright on Breeding Spore" - IGN

Interview with Will Wright on IGN. Talks about multiplatform and other information. "Well, we're focusing solely on the PC version at the moment. But we're thinking of Spore as a franchise, definitely, that will be across all platforms. Cellphones, too."

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Games for Health 2006

"Slowly but surely the last year has seen a growing appreciation for what modern-day video games can offer to health care," said Games for Health cofounder Ben Sawyer.

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Free Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine Subscription

Get it while it's hot for all you gamers.

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Huge Interview with CliffyB

Geargeads of War sat down with CliffyB got a huge interview out of him. Covers the "big announcement", why Gears of War is launching on Sunday, why some stores will have Gears before Nov. 12th, and some insight into CliffyB's childhood. Really cool read!

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